Pfeil Scorp Review.

Price £28.74 plus shipping from Classic Hand tools. Introduction Carving using traditional tools is an incredibly rewarding pastime.  You are able to develop a real relationship with wood that using power tools doesn’t allow.  I enjoy carving Kuksa and bowls from greenwood.  So when asked what I wanted for my birthday I asked for a…

Tumpline Tutorial.

Making cordage from natural materials is a fundamental bushcraft skill; attend any basic bushcraft course and the chances are you’ll learn how to turn such as nettles or willow bark into lengths of string. However having learnt this new skill you’re faced with the question of what use it can be put to other than…

Personal Safety

It is important to remember that despite media reports to the contrary you are highly unlikely to be the victim of a violent assault. Millions of people make journeys every year in comfort and safety. However a small number of people are unfortunate enough to encounter a violent criminal. This article is not a complete…

Natural Shelters.

There are occasions when you may not be willing to carry a man-made shelter. Sometimes it is fun to build a natural shelter. In a survival situation you may have no choice but to construct a natural shelter. It is not a decision that should be made lightly. Before choosing to make a shelter you…

Recoverice Review

Introduction. One of the most common injuries encountered by outdoor enthusiasts is a soft tissue injury. When carrying heavy loads backpacking or portaging a canoe on a rough trail it is easy to twist an ankle or stumble and injure yourself.  On expedition it is important as the medic that I can cater for most…

Basic First Aid.

Introduction. Bushcraft is generally a low risk activity and most people enjoy days out in the countryside without incident.  It is wise though to carry a small first aid kit and have a little knowledge of treating common minor injuries. This article is not intended to be a definitive guide on first aid but will…