John Mathieson is one of the members of the Sussex Bushcraft Club and one of the Forest Knights guest instructors. He has many years experience in the outdoors as a accomplished canoe coach and Duke of Edinburgh Award leader and assessor. John has been on several forestknights Bushcraft Canoe Expeditions to Finland.
John will be regularly updating this page with simple projects that you can enjoy with minimal tools in your own gardens whilst maintaining social distancing.
Crafting a simple coffee peg.

I have used hazel rod about 1” (25mm)for the ones In. The picture, but you can use what you can get your hands on.
Leave the wooden rod long so you have plenty to hold safely.
Use a drill bit (10mm dia I would suggest) as a guide for your saw cut.
Shape to look like a ducks beak.
If using green fresh wood seal the end grain with PVA or something to reduce and cracking.

Don’t use the kitchen work top to work on just for photos.
If you like doing spoons or want to up the project use a bigger piece of wood and carve your coffee spoon on the other end.
Always take care when use sharp tools.
Keep your first aid kit accessible.
Don’t forget you can improve your greenwood working skills and improve your confidence carving with our bespoke spoon carving courses etc.
Happy whittling.