Santa Days at the museum can be pretty hectic talking to families so i thought I would do something a bit different from my usual Bow Making.
I had the steam group plank some Ash trees for me last year into 4in planks about 8 feet long.
They have been sitting patiently by my shelter waiting for some attention.
All work done with hand tools i had with me.
Ray Iles Roughing Gouge.
Pfeil Gouge
Nic Westermann Axe.
Bandsaw Blade scraper
Frost Mora
As it was a spur of the moment decision to carve a bowl I didn’t bother marking it out.
Starting to take shape.
Time for my favourite axe to come into play.
More shaping my hands are getting sore now.
End of day 1 about six hours in.
Another day of scraping and final shaping.
The bowl was finished with a rub down with P600 Abranet and given 3 coats of bees wax.